My 10 Minute Meal

Workout: 3 miles + core work + foam roller

The 3 miles I ran this morning were more difficult than the 5 I ran yesterday.  My brain likes the longer runs to zone out and my body likes the longer runs to warm up.  Yes I know, I could add a warm up to the shorter runs.  I’m working on it.

I did planks for 10 minutes, and I have no idea how many I did.  Five?  I also spent some quality time with my foam roller, and wow my IT bands were tight!  I had to give myself a stern talking to about rolling those babies out.  Tight IT bands give me hip and knee injuries without fail.  Must.avoid.more.injuries.

And you guys, I’m really proud of myself because I actually MADE DINNER last night.  I mean, “made” is relative (right MQ?).  I heated things up and put them together.  But I used more than two ingredients, and I actually cooked (again, heated up) my vegetables instead of just eating them raw out of laziness. 

I cut up carrots and broccoli, added the Perdue breaded chicken breast cutlets, and half a cup of Ben’s Ready Rice (garden vegetable flavor).  Obviously I topped it with lots of salt, pepper, hot sauce and Sriracha.  SO GOOD and SO EASY.  Took me under 10 minutes to prepare!

Tonight I am headed to a “New Volunteers Meet & Greet” for Girls on the Run.  I am SO excited and will tell you all about it tomorrow.

Happy Hump Day!


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